Major religious groups - Wikipedia Top 10 Richest Religions In The World (2022) - Nigerian Infopedia Detailed Maps Of The World's Religions - Vivid Maps Bahaism came out of Persia and parts of the Middle East. Christians: 2,100,000,000 adherents - tending to decline in terms of global percentage. Christianity (2.17Billion believers) 2. World Christian Database The major religions of the world (Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Confucianism, Christianity, Taoism, and Judaism) differ in many respects, including how each religion is organized and the belief system. Comprehensive country religious makeup, Christian activities, demographics, and trends. According to the BBC, "there are 6 million Bahá'ís in the world.". Of the world's major religions, Christianity is the largest, with more than two billion followers. April 2021 Inclusive Religious Calendar. January 12, 2021. by Patricia Lillian January 10, 2021, 6:00 am 2.7k Views. Religions serve several purposes in society, including maintaining social structure by teaching moral virtues and actions and offering . Judaism. According to the Pew Research Center, in 2015, there were 2.3 billion Christians of all ages living in the world. China Religion, Major Religions in China All major world religions, analyzed by geographic region and people groups. . How religious will the world be in 2050? | World Economic Forum They believe in a supernatural or metaphysical all-knowing and all controlling God. Christianity believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, made man and fully divine. The Holocaust was the largest genocide in the world. Grey = No Change. Christianity is the biggest religion of the present world, and Christians contain 33 percent of the world population. In 2020 the most popular religions are Islam Summi, Hindu and Christian Roman Catholics. It is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ based on the New Testament. The Fastest Growing Religions in the World - WorldAtlas It is the largest church in the United States and in the whole world by the number of attendees - 52,000. By contrast, the number of people unaffiliated with any religion (including those who say their religion is "nothing in . Top 10 Most Popular World Religions - Les Listes Twitter. French is considered the most romantic language in the world. Such a statistic is stunning because the Arab world is the stronghold of Islam. What Is the Most Widely Practiced Religion in the World? 1. Islam teaches that Allah is the only God and that Muhammed is his messenger. The precise number of religions in the world is not known, but available estimates show the number to be about 4,300, according to The largest . However, it is a fact that all doctrines have common features such as belief in a supernatural power, the belief of life after death and the beliefs surrounding burial.