五月中下旬投稿NG,12天后6月2号编辑决定送审,然后7月22号才找到审稿人,找了50天,我曾一度以为是新冠病毒的原因,不过21天后,状态又变成 Manuscript under … manuscript-under-consideration-nature on ferryonuma A manuscript under editorial consideration indicates that the work has not been rejected out of hand, but is being given a second look. Print Publication Date: Mar 2007. Rejected (im.) Perhaps, the subject editor assigned requires more time for assessing the manuscript. Latest edition (11 ed.) Under Consideration | Scientific Reports Under Consideration “under consideration” means the journal has received your manuscript, “under editorial consideration” means that your manuscript has been … Nature 비대면 수업 준비 부실한 교수…. 二是版面费太高了. 字体大小. nature子刊这个投稿状态能看出什么来吗~ - 论文投稿 - 小木虫 - 学 … 投稿NPG,Manuscript under editorial consideration。被拒了? This is known as a rescinding. 这是刚提交的状态。. Manuscript under editorial consideration:2020.01.15; Rejection:2020.01.15; 拒稿原因: 欲在 NP 上发表的方法应该在至少一篇 primary research artical 中使用过,已证明其正 … SCI 期刊投稿各种状态显示对投稿者来说是非常重要的,本文主要介绍了不同状态投稿者需要注意的事项。. I submitted a paper in a journal. It's showing under …